By encouraging the digital transformation of industrial companies in the North of Portugal, namely through the adoption and diffusion of advanced production technologies, iMan Norte Hub aims to develop key areas, namely digitalization and robotics, and combine the existence of scientific and technological skills and infrastructures, with a view to boosting the creation of new businesses and strengthening existing ones.
This Digital Innovation Network comes in the context of the European Commission's action plan for the digitisation of European industry and the strategy for the creation of a digital single market, which includes the creation of these Digital Innovation Hubs.
According to the Commission "Europe's Single Market needs to be brought into line with the digital age by removing regulatory barriers and moving from the current 28 markets to a Single Market". Besides PRODUTECH, the entities responsible for coordinating this programme are: INESC TEC, UPTEC (Science and Technology Park of the University of Porto), CATIM (Centre for Technological Support to the Metalworking Industry), CITEVE (Technological Centre of the Textile and Clothing Industries of Portugal), CTCP (Footwear Technology Centre of Portugal) and CTCOR (Cork Technology Centre).
The general coordination of the initiative is assumed by PRODUTECH. The session was attended by Ana Teresa Lehmann, Secretary of State for Industry and the Vice-President of CCDR-N, Ester Gomes da Silva.
Representatives of all entities that integrate the iMan Norte Hub had the opportunity to present the initiative, measures to support the digitalization of the industry and successful cases of implementation in various industrial sectors.